Junkers Ju 87D/G vol.I

Junkers Ju 87D/G vol.I
ISBN: 9788362878932
Код по каталогу: 3054
Marek J. Murawki, Marek Ryś
Формат книги – 210 х 297 х  мм. 
Мягкий переплет. Мелованная бумага
Объем – 112 стр.
Год издания: 
Язык: английский
   This monograph of the most famous dive bomber of World War II focuses on the design and combat operations of the late marks of the Stuka: the Ju 87D dive bomber and strike aircraft and the Ju 87G tank buster. In addition to the detailed description of the design, the book covers combat operations of the Luftwaffe units equipped with the D and G models, as well as the biographies of the most prominent aircrews who flew those aircraft in combat. The text is supplemented by original photographs and 3D drawings showing details of the design.
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