Ju 87D/G vol.II

Ju 87D/G vol.II
ISBN: 9788362878932
Код по каталогу: 3055
Marek J. Murawki, Marek Ryś
Формат книги – 210 х 297 х  мм. 
Мягкий переплет. Мелованная бумага
Объем – 112 стр.
Год издания: 
Язык: английский
   Part two of the monograph on the legendary World War II dive bomber takes a closer look at the history of the final production versions the Ju 87: the "Dora" – a dedicated dive bomber and strike platform and the Ju 87 G tank buster. In addition to combat histories of the front-line units that operated the types, the book presents profiles of some of the most prominent Stuka pilots. The text is supplemented by first-hand accounts of the men who flew the Ju 87s in combat, as well as a large selection of original photographs and 3D drawings offering a great insight into the intricacies of the aircraft's design.
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